About Forbrugseksperten.dk

Forbrugseksperten.dk is a Danish service site with guides, help and services for the Danish consumers. We help consumers when they are looking for different services, e.g. telecommunication services. Right now our focus is mobile phone services, but we’ll expand with more topics.

Forbrugseksperten is Danish for “The consumer expert”.

We earn money when visitors buy services at the providers after clicking links at our site. All links we can earn money from are marked with a heart.

Forbrugseksperten.dk is primarily a Danish site, but we try to help foreigners too in the areas we have knowledge about, and where we believe our knowledge will benefit foreigners.

You are always welcome to contact us if you have questions about our articles, the topics we cover or our services.

Who’s behind the site?

Forbrugseksperten.dk has been startet by Jakob Pedersen, and most of the content is written by Laust Stoltze. We’ve also created Bredbaandsmatch.dk – a similar site about broadband. With Forbrugseksperten we want to cover more areas with the same focus on high quality content.

The goal is to be the best place to find information about the areas we cover – also for foreigners. We want all our information to be correct, exact and easy to understand no matter where you are from and how much you know about the subject.


Mobile phones in Denmark

Currently our main focus is mobile phone service. We have several articles that covers most situations for foreigners looking for deals in Denmark for their mobile phones.

Providers and services in Denmark in general

Will my phone work in Denmark?

Find a suitable deal as a tourist (We also recommend Visitdenmark for general tourist information)

Find a suitable deal as an exchange student (We also recommend Studyindenmark for general exchange student information)

Find a suitable deal as an expat